

πŸ“— Table of Contents

πŸ“– CarBooker

Cabooker is a user-friendly and efficient car booking application that empowers users to reserve their preferred vehicles seamlessly. Whether you need a car for a business trip, vacation, or simply for your daily commute, Cabooker offers a diverse selection of cars to suit your needs. Cabooker is a full-stack application built with React and Ruby on Rails.

πŸ›  Built With VSCode

HTML/CSS, javascript, Webpack, React


Key Features

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πŸš€ Live Demo

Link to deployed project.

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Kanban Board

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Rails Backend

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πŸ’» Getting Started


In order to run this project you need:


Clone this repository to your desired folder:

gh repo clone


Install this project with:

  gh repo clone yodit93/car-reservation-front-end
  cd car-reservation-front-end
  npm install -y

Run tests

To run tests, run the following command:

      npx stylelint "**/*.{css,scss}"

      npx hint .
    npx eslint .


To run the project, execute the following command:

    npm start

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πŸ‘₯ Authors

πŸ‘€ Mugisha.I

πŸ‘€ Progress

πŸ‘€ Yodit

πŸ‘€ Daniel

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πŸ”­ Future Features

I’ll add the following section to the webpage.

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🀝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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⭐️ Show your support

If you like this project… Kindly leave a star ⭐

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πŸ™ Acknowledgments

We would like to thank

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πŸ“ License

This project is MIT licensed.

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